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11 Ways Smart Showerheads Can Improve Your Morning and Your Home Technological innovations continue to enhance the bathing experience with smart showerheads that turn your morning lather and rinse into a spa-like escape.


1.WaterSavings Newer smart showerheads replace earlier generations that simply restricted water pressure and left you powerless against a weak rinse. Since the smart thing to do is to conserve water and pay less on your water bill, smart showerheads help you achieve those goals without feeling the sacrifice. They work by forcing threads of air through the water spray. This creates a strong water-pressure effect, while achieving up to 30% water savings.

These design enhancements in efficiency mean you can stay in the shower a bit longer for the same cost as a longer cleansing, or take pleasure in a reduced water bill. 2. Eco-Feedback You don’t have to simply trust your showerhead is using less water, since some models provide real-time feedback about your 2 consumption. While you might not appreciate a constant reminder of how much water you’re using,

Smart showerheads are devices that work in one of two ways: to help you lower costs through water-saving features, or to perform a variety of functions while being controlled by a smartphone or central hub. Some do both. Every generation of smart showerheads seems to bring novelties to entice consumers. Myriad offerings do everything from changing the water color to streaming an office call. So how can these examples of modern technology improve your morning and your home? Let us count the ways.


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