RMM - July-24 - Bob Arthur

949-539-0316 bob@bobarthurgroup.com www.bobarthurgroup.com

courtesy of: BOB ARTHUR

Dear Homeowners

Welcome to the July issue of Home Sweet Home, where we embrace the full swing of summer with ideas to enhance both your comfort and enjoyment of your home.

Discover how the right lighting can not only illuminate but also inspire, creating spaces that reflect both function and style with our expert lighting design tips. The intentional design of your home’s lighting can transform everyday living into something extraordinary, making every moment under your roof feel special. Also in this issue, we’ve taken on “The Paperwork Conundrum,” helping you clear out old paperwork and highlight what truly matters in your space. If paper clutter is overtaking your home, follow these tips to reclaim the calm.

For those celebrating the 4th of July with pets, we offer thoughtful tips to prepare pets for summer fireworks so the whole family can enjoy the season safely and without stress.

Our July recipes section brings you festive and colorful red, white, and blue-themed drinks and snacks perfect for a summer evening.

Enjoy this issue, and as always, I’m here to help you make the most of your home's potential. Don’t hesitate to reach out if I can help you with any real estate questions.

Warm regards,


949-539-0316 bob@bobarthurgroup.com www.bobarthurgroup.com

Table of Contents



Lighting with Intention

How to Prepare Your Pets for Fireworks Keep your pets safe and stress-free this Fourth of July. Expert advice from Dr. Jennifer Barrington reveals how to create a calm environment for your animals amid the festivities. Learn practical tips for securing your home, managing noise, and ensuring your pets' comfort during the celebrations. Summer Recipes for a Festive 4th of July Celebrate Independence Day with a splash of creativity and color with these fun recipes for festive drinks and snacks!

An Expert Weighs in on Home Lighting Trends

The Paperwork Conundrum Discover effective strategies to conquer paper clutter and streamline paper organization in your home. These simple ways to reduce incoming paper, organize essential documents, and embrace digital alternatives will help you keep your space tidy and stress-free. Lighting designer Lynne Stambouly shares her insights on thoughtful lighting design in homes. Learn about functional lighting, the advantages of using dimmers to enhance atmosphere, and the latest LED technologies. The article also covers new lighting techniques that effectively highlight the best features of your home.




July 2024


To learn more about the importance of lighting in making your house feel like a home and an extension of your personality and lived experience, Home Sweet Home recently interviewed lighting expert Lynne Stambouly, owner, CEO, and senior lighting designer of Illuminated Design in Southwest Florida. Over her 37-year career specializing in lighting, Lynne has earned the moniker “The Light Lady” from colleagues across the country. Before focusing on her work as a lighting designer, Lynne worked in the electrical industry. She notes that when she began working in the lighting industry, she found “something about the beauty of lighting that is a wow factor in my soul.” Lighting became her passion when she realized that with creativity and imagination, adding layers of light and the ability to change the intensity of lighting to set a tone for a given space, “just makes everything so much more beautiful.”






The two essential elements when considering lighting are form and function. First, you must determine the practical purpose of the light in the space. This is where you consider functional needs to safely move throughout your home from one room to another. Lynne points out that consultations with lighting experts should include discussions of lifestyle such as health needs, work schedules, and the daily demands of the people who live in the home. A Layered Approach to Lighting

Questions a professional lighting expert should ask include: Does anyone in the home have sight or mobility issues? Do the residents have special lighting needs due to age, sensitivities, or when completing certain tasks? Once the first layer of practical lighting is established based on the unique needs of your family, then the focus shifts to the secondary layer, which is art lighting and specialty features or focal points the homeowner wishes to draw attention to in the home.



The Difference Dimmers Make

Our homes are the places where we spend so much of our lives and make precious memories of raising our families, celebrating holidays, and life’s milestones. Lighting can set the mood that transforms a special occasion into an unforgettable one. Lynne gives much of the credit for being able to create the right ambiance to the ability to control lighting through the use of dimmers. As Lynne points out, “Think about when you walk into a kitchen or when you just wake up and you turn your first light on and it's really bright, and you're like oh, you go for the dimmer to dim it down and you're like, ah, right! There's just this real feeling that you have to be able to calm your inner self through lighting and dimming.” A trained lighting professional can help you choose the best lighting to maximize your living space and express your personality. Lynne describes working with clients in their homes “to help facilitate that feeling” as a “joy and a privilege.” The importance of dimmers and being able to control the light within the home is vital. Lynne’s favorite way to emphasize this is by posing the question, “Would you ever buy a radio without a volume control? No one would ever buy a radio that was only loud all the time.”

Likewise, having light sources that are always at their brightest and can’t be turned down leaves the homeowner without a way to control the amount of lighting they need or want at any given time.


July 2024

LED lighting has evolved significantly over the past decade from a light bulb to an LED chip that is a microprocessor. Then phosphors are used and layers of red, green, and blue are mixed to create the color temperature you are seeking. For instance, if you want a cooler light, more blue is added. If you want warmer lighting, more red is added. LED lighting combined with the use of dimmer switches allows you to have unprecedented control over the vibrancy of color and the intensity of light. LED has proven to be a breakthrough affording new lighting options homeowners can choose to illuminate everything from their living spaces to their most cherished art and other items of significance collected over a lifetime. The art framing projector, which Lynne describes as “a piece of magic in a little cylinder” is a light fixture with small framing barn doors. This design allows you to put these lights in so that they frame a piece of art exactly. This method gives the impression that the artwork is lit from behind, with no shadows above or below it. While it may look as if the artwork is lit from behind, Lynne explains that it's actually a recessed can or a little trackhead called a framing projector, and the lighting comes from the ceiling. LED Lighting for Art and Other Collections


July 2024

New Lighting Techniques

New lighting techniques have made it possible to create lighting that brings attention to focal points in ways that look organic, which Lynne stresses should be the ultimate goal.

Some of the new techniques being used in current lighting trends include:

• Linear lighting: This type of lighting is elongated in shape and is available as light channels, tubes, or strip lights. Linear lighting can be used in a variety of spaces as it can be surface mounted, suspended, or recessed. • Cove lighting: This is a type of indirect lighting that can be built into ledges and recesses of ceilings or high walls to direct light upward toward the ceiling or downward onto adjacent walls. Cove lighting may be used for functional or aesthetic lighting. • Soffit lighting: This type of lighting has the source of light recessed in a soffit or pocket and is often used on ceilings to direct light in a certain direction or angle. • Grazing: This type of lighting is also referred to as wall grazing and is used to bring attention to texture and structure. • Toe kick lighting: This type of lighting takes its name from the fact that it’s installed under the toe kicks of vanities or cabinets. Toe kick lighting is a great source of accent lighting. Combining these techniques with traditional light sources like wall sconces can create a distinctive look while making small spaces such as guest bathrooms look much larger than they actually are.



Those who have purchased an older home where the floor plans tend to be less open and maximizing natural lighting may not have been taken into consideration in the original architectural design may wonder what they can do to increase the amount of available light in their homes. Lynne recommends that you first decide what it is you are trying to achieve by asking questions like: Do you want the rooms to look larger, or perhaps make the ceilings look taller? Or are you simply attempting to open up the space a bit? Lynne shares that her approach is to “always start with trying to get light out at the walls.” She points out that older homes with low ceilings can give a room a closed-in feeling and the modern aesthetic is to open those spaces up to make your home look larger and more inviting. One solution that is commonly used is taking out walls to make a centralized space that is large and gives a clear view of other areas of the home. Lynne advises people going through this process to look for all sorts of solutions until they find the one that best suits their living needs while showcasing their design aesthetic. Remodeling to Bring More Light into Older Homes

Lastly, Lynne emphasizes the need to make sure your lighting design flows naturally. With open floor layouts that favor a large room as the center of the home, Lynne says you know you have the lighting set correctly when “you can walk into the house and before you know it, if you turn 360°, you have coordination and lighting, color, temperature, and controlled focal points.” The goal is to make sure you edit what you are highlighting to avoid sensory overload. Be thoughtful about which things you focus on so that your lighting design flows, drawing the eye across the room in an intentional manner. This must be done subtly so that it looks natural. “The best designs are the ones that are just so subtle and yet, so dramatic,” says Lynne. She adds, “And then I think that's really where the magic of lighting comes from—because there's practical light and then there's the magic of how that makes the space feel.” Lighting Should Flow Naturally Through Your Home


July 2024


Even in an increasingly digital world, paperwork multiplies faster than flies at a barbecue. Somehow it infiltrates every surface in the home, leaving us feeling stressed and perhaps indecisive about what to do with it all. Every receipt, envelope, and sheet seems to weigh on us, challenging us to make a decision about what to do with it. What do you need to keep, how long do you need to keep it, and how do you curb the influx of paper in your life? We’ve got the information you need to enact Operation Paper Purge and implement a system that puts the control back in your hands.




The single most effective way to stay on top of the paperwork river is to create a drop station. This is a spot near the entrance of the home that acts as a filter for every piece of paper that enters the house. Play with a system that works for you. Try out the entry table, a desk built into the kitchen, or your office. Most people do well with a three-basket system. The first basket is the ‘In’ basket. This is where the kids put notes from teachers and permission slips that need a signature. It’s also where today’s mail might sit temporarily. The goal is for the ‘In’ basket to always be empty. The second basket is the ‘Out’ basket. This is for the letters you need to mail and the signed permission slip that needs to go back to the school. Your third basket is the ‘To Do’ basket. Don’t confuse this with a catch-all basket where you might dump everything you don’t know what else to do with. The 'To Do' basket is for those tasks that need to be taken care of. Here you’ll find bills that need to be paid, the grocery list, and the barcode you need to attach to your Amazon return. When you come into the house, sort the mail. Dedicate a few minutes to this every day or two. Immediately pull out recycling and put it into a receptacle and shred or burn documents with personal information. Open every envelope. Designate places for magazines, coupons, and other items you’ll address later, but don’t put them in your three baskets. When you run across multi-page documents you need to file, be sure to staple them together so you don’t lose any of the information. Then promptly file the papers you need to keep. If you receive a bill, take a minute to pay it online, or write a check, put it into the return envelope, and place it in the ‘Out’ box. Even if you need to wait until payday to send it, simply put a date on the front so you know when to mail it out.

The initial step in managing the amount of paper in your home is to reduce it whenever possible. If you’re comfortable with the digital realm, sign up for online billing with every company you do business with and the amount of paper in your house will shrink exponentially. Utility companies, doctor’s offices, banks, credit card companies, insurance, your mortgage—nearly every company offers a paperless option now. They are required to keep your records for tax purposes so you don’t always have to. At the store, accept an email receipt at checkout. Opt out of catalog mailings and make a list of every solicitation you no longer want to receive. Then contact a few companies each week and ask to be removed from the mailing list.


July 2024

WHAT TO KEEP Remember that most information is now available online so you don’t need to keep utility bills, bank statements, or company advertisements. There are some security concerns with digital storage, so protect your sensitive data, such as bank sign-ins, with strong passwords. Keep physical copies of legal and medical paperwork, warranty information, and paperwork you may need when filing taxes. IRS.Gov provides the following information in regard to the period of limitations that apply to tax returns: 1. Keep records for 3 years if situations (4), (5), and (6) below do not apply to you. 2. Keep records for 3 years from the date you filed your original return or 2 years from the date you paid the tax, whichever is later if you file a claim for credit or refund after you file your return. 3. Keep records for 7 years if you file a claim for a loss from worthless securities or bad debt deduction. 4. Keep records for 6 years if you do not report income that you should report, and it is more than 25% of the gross income shown on your return. 5. Keep records indefinitely if you do not file a return. 6. Keep records indefinitely if you file a fraudulent return. 7. Keep employment tax records for at least 4 years after the date that the tax becomes due or is paid, whichever is later. With all of that in mind, you can let your supporting documents go, but keep your physical tax returns forever. They may come in handy as a record of your income when it comes time to claim social security. For legal documents, always keep a paper copy in a safe place. Remember to review them at least once every five years, or more often if you have a major life change event, such as a death in the family.



Once you’ve reduced your intake, organized the flow, and decided what’s essential to hold on to, it becomes clear what not to keep. Store brochures, recipes, product manuals, menus, and coupons can all be found online so if you’re looking for ways to purge the paper, this list is a good place to start. You can also eliminate most receipts from restaurants and gas stations unless you need to save them for tax purposes. There’s no reason you have to part with every shred of paper in your home, but if you want to reduce for environmental, space, or stress reasons, you can create a nearly paper-free home by leaning into the digital space. Scan documents, take pictures of anything you may need to reference, and be sure to place all electronic data in clearly labeled folders online where you can find it again. It’s just as important to be organized with digital information as with paperwork! Also, backup your files on a regular basis. You will rarely ever need to access these documents, so be selective in what you save or you’ll find yourself overwhelmed with digital folders. At tax time, set aside a few hours to review your digital files so you can delete those you no longer need and reorganize the rest.




Create an organized space for each child’s paperwork. A tote or box works great for this. At the beginning of the school year, line them up on a shelf in a closet with clear labels. When art is rotated out, put it in the box. When school papers worth keeping come home, put them in the box. Do your best to limit what you keep, but allow it to fill up until the following summer. You’ll find you’re less attached to papers after some time has passed, so before school starts again, go through the tote and condense papers down to a handful that will fit into a large envelope or folder you can label and save. If you’re finding it difficult to part with items, take a picture with your child holding it and put that in a frame or album instead of holding on to each item itself. Then your empty tote will be ready for the next school year. Whether digital or physical, dealing with paperwork is a way of life. It’s just something we have to battle on a regular basis. But with a system in place, managing paperwork becomes less of a conundrum and more of an organizational win.

Lackluster paperwork organization can quickly become costly when it leads to missed payments. Bills should take a top priority in the game of paperwork shuffle. As mentioned, pay paper bills immediately. For electronic bills, pin them to the top of your email so they don’t get lost in the flood.


The envelope system is great for receipts. Use business- size envelopes and clearly label them for taxes, business, merchandise, etc. When cleaning out your purse, wallet, or car, put the receipts in the appropriate envelope. Be decisive. Only keep receipts you may need as proof of purchase or payment, warranties, returns, or taxes. At the end of the year or during tax season, clean out the receipts from the previous year. Every handprint and written word is special as your child experiments with new skills, but the colorful images and school papers can quickly stack up. Rather than holding on to every doodle and craft your child produces, specify a location where you can put work on display. Whether it’s a corkboard, the front of the fridge, or a clothesline mounted down the hallway wall, spotlight your child’s best work. Each week, swap out the old for the new and only keep the most precious samples. KIDS' CRAFTS AND SCHOOL PAPERS


July 2024

HOW TO PREPARE YOUR PETS FOR FIREWORKS Independence Day sparks thoughts of grilled hot dogs, water activities, and fireworks. It’s a day we celebrate across the country, spending time with friends and family while we acknowledge the birth of the nation. But while you’re finalizing the food list and staging the garden hose in advance of the backyard fireworks display, remember to prepare the furry family members for the event too. While we may revel in the booms and crackles, plump grapes on a fruit platter, and cold beverages, these things are all potentially dangerous for our pets. So before the festivities begin, prep a safe zone for your animals and provide the support they need for a safe holiday. We sat down with Dr. Jennifer Barrington, a mobile Veterinarian at House Call Pet Service in Corvallis, Oregon, and parent to an assortment of animals, to ask advice about the best ways to prepare our pets for the potential stressors of the holiday. She offered a variety of ways we can keep our pets comfortable and ensure their safety throughout the Independence Day celebrations. Dr. Barrington says, “It is about making the pet feel safe in its environment, even with startling noises.”



Your pet is likely to act differently in response to the activities associated with Independence Day. Your typically affectionate cat may seek solitude, and your generally nonplussed dog may become quite agitated. When pets are scared, they run and hide. For household pets, this can mean darting out in front of vehicles or hiding in unsafe places. Cats might take refuge in the highest branch of a tree or inside a car engine. Escaped dogs and birds might end up miles from home. To ensure this doesn’t happen to your pets, be sure to close all windows and doors that provide access to the outdoors or another part of the house, such as an attic, basement, or garage. If you have guests, put a sign up to remind them to close doors as needed. For dogs that have access to the backyard, make sure gates are securely fastened, even when your pet jumps up against it. An open gate is an open invitation to problems. Never leave your pets outdoors while you’re away and keep an extra close eye on them during the days surrounding Independence Day. They can become so agitated they might jump a fence they normally wouldn’t attempt, or become wrapped up in fencing or other hazards.

The best way to protect pets from the unexpected is to confine them to a safe area. This can be a quiet room with a door, such as a laundry room, bedroom, mud room, or bathroom. Just make sure the windows and doors are securely closed and that the space isn’t too hot. For cats or bunnies, a large closet may do the trick. Dogs might also take refuge in a closet or beneath a table where they feel safe. Make the space inviting with their favorite bedding, blankets, toys, and treats. Again, warn family and guests not to accidentally let the pet out. Some pets can be safely restrained in a kennel or cage. Dogs that are crate-trained are likely to automatically seek out their safe spot when they become agitated. Put birds in their cages and cover them with a cloth. Bring outdoor cats inside, and confine them before guests arrive or the fireworks begin. Close curtains to minimize flashing lights and dampen sounds from fireworks.


Like any good celebration, Independence Day is a haven for food lovers. The grill is loaded with juicy, aromatic meats, the condiments are prepped, and the table is filled with dishes that represent the harvests of the season. Pets often also want to join in the consumption, and it can be an act that ends with an upset stomach at a minimum and an emergency vet clinic when things really go wrong. Many everyday ingredients humans consume are toxic for pets, so be especially vigilant with onions and garlic, chewing gum, dark chocolate, raisins and grapes, caffeine, alcohol, and THC. Bones can be a choking hazard too, so keep an eye out for bones on unattended plates, in the trash, and on the counter or table. When everyone is done eating, promptly wrap up and refrigerate leftovers so animals can’t get into them.


July 2024

A tired pet is a happy pet. Make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise leading up to the celebrations. He or she will be less reactive and more likely to rest. Give them an extra walk, go for an off-leash run if your pet has good recall, or spend extra time playing to get that nervous energy out. Just remember, if your pet is already agitated, it may not act the way it normally does. Don’t take any chances of your dog running off if it gets spooked. It’s better to keep them on a leash during the few days around the holiday, even for short visits outdoors. During the celebrations, give them something to keep them busy and distracted. Try a new toy, a ball stuffed with treats, or a challenge maze. GIVE THEM A RUN


Your pet will likely be more comfortable if someone is at home with them. They will need reassurance that everything is okay and might want a cuddle partner to console their anxiety. If you can’t be home, see if you can get a pet sitter to stay with your pets while you’re away. At the very least, you’ll know someone is there so your pet doesn’t escape from the house. Dr. Barrington says, “If you have a new pet, it would be ideal to plan for them not to be left alone if noises are present near the home.” Having a human companion helps ease the anxiety for both you and your pets.


Well, actually they are called thunder jackets or thundershirts. Search the term on the web and you’ll see a wide variety of options. Basically, they are a vest that wraps snugly around your dog, making them feel safe. Measure your dog for the correct sizing and choose a design that is adjustable so you can pull it tight. Put it on your pet if they appear anxious at any point during the festivities.


Sometimes leaving a TV or radio on is enough to distract your pet from what’s going on outdoors. Rather than hearing crackles and hisses, let laugh tracks or race cars override the sounds of fireworks. A fan, white noise machine, or air conditioning unit might do the trick too.




The days leading up to the 4th of July are extremely busy at every veterinary clinic and pharmacy in town. Veterinarians are prepared to provide calming meds for your pets, but you’ll need to be proactive. Get ahead of the crowd by requesting medications early. Sometimes it might require a visit if your pet is due, but if your pet is up to date on vaccinations and annual exams, the doctor will likely fill the prescription for easy pickup. Dr. Barrington says, “I have some pets that are unable to settle down without the help of anxiety meds or even tranquilizers.” She warns, though, to talk to your vet about medications that reduce anxiety instead of simply sedating them. The goal is to make them feel calm, not just knock them out.


We don’t mean Doritos or Salt and Vinegar. We mean microchips. It only takes a few minutes for a vet to microchip your pet and it’s a valuable safeguard in case your pet is ever lost or stolen. The chip is registered with your contact information and can be scanned at any veterinarian. So if someone finds your pet and has it scanned, they will be able to contact you. If you already have your pet chipped, take a minute to sign into your online account to ensure your contact information is up-to-date. Similarly, this is a good time to check your pets’ name tags. Make sure they each have accurate phone numbers, addresses, or other contact information. Also, make sure your pet is wearing their collar with the tags attached before the parties start. Our pets are part of our family, making it our responsibility to provide a safe and nurturing environment for them. Independence Day is a highly stressful time for many pets, so it’s up to us to furnish a bit of additional support. With a bit of pre-planning and a dash of extra attention, pet owners can help their furry companions navigate Independence Day with ease and peace of mind.


July 2024




Stars & Stripes Charcuterie Board It's time to get together with loved ones for a joyous celebration that features delectable cuisine and a touch of patriotism as the Fourth of July approaches. While traditional BBQs and cookouts are always a hit, why not switch things up this year with a star-spangled charcuterie board? This creative and visually stunning spread is sure to impress your guests and elevate your Independence Day gathering to new heights! Here are the step-by-step instructions for putting together your star-spangled charcuterie board. Assorted cheeses (such as brie, cheddar, and blue cheese) z A variety of cured meats (salami, prosciutto, pepperoni, etc.) z Fresh fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, etc.) z Crackers and sliced baguette z Dips and spreads (hummus, red pepper dip, blue cheese dip, raspberry jam, etc.) z Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, etc.) z Garnishes (fresh herbs, olives, pickles, caper berries, etc.) z Serving utensils (small knives, spreaders, small bowls, toothpicks, etc.) Instructions: 1. Choose cheeses, meats, fruits, and condiments that represent the red, white, and blue colors of the American flag. 2. Make use of a large wooden board or plate to serve as the backdrop for your dish. Ingredients: z 3. Assemble your cheeses in a manner that mirrors the stripes of the flag. Cut slices or cubes of white cheeses like brie and cheddar to create alternating bands of color. For the blue cheese, mold it into star shapes using a cookie cutter or knife. 4. Arrange your cured meats in between the cheese stripes, creating a savory contrast to the creamy cheeses. Roll or fold the meats into compact shapes to fit neatly on the board. 5. Slice the strawberries and arrange them in rows to mimic the red stripes of the flag. 6. Fill in the remaining space on the board with fresh fruits, crackers, dips, spreads, nuts, seeds, and garnishes. Sprinkle star-shaped candies or biscuits throughout for an additional whimsical and visual appeal.

Star-Spangled Shooter Get ready for a day packed with fun! Independence Day is almost here, and we can't wait to hang out, fire up the grill, and have a blast with friends and family. And what could be cooler than sipping on a drink that shouts out the colors of the flag? Our Star-Spangled Shooter is here to make your celebration even more epic! Follow these simple steps to raise a glass and pay homage to the spirit of independence and unity that defines the Fourth of July.

Ingredients: z

1 oz Blue Curacao

1 oz Grenadine


z 1 oz Vanilla Vodka or White Rum z Ice cubes

Instructions: 1. Prepare Your Glasses: Chill glasses in the freezer for about 10-15 minutes before making the drink. This helps maintain the separation of layers. 2. Layering the Drink: z Blue Layer: Pour 1/3 oz of Blue Curacao into each chilled shot glass. z White Layer: Using the back of a spoon, gently pour 1/3 oz of Vanilla Vodka or White Rum over the Blue Curacao layer. The spoon helps to slow down the pour and maintain separation. z Red Layer: Again, using the back of a spoon, gently pour 1/3 oz of Grenadine over the White layer. 3. Serve: Once all layers are added, serve immediately. The layers should create a beautiful red, white, and blue effect, resembling the colors of the American flag. 4. Optional Garnish: If desired, garnish each shooter with a small blueberry or raspberry on the rim of the glass for an extra patriotic touch.


July 2024

Red, White, and Blue Halo-halo Cooler This Fourth of July, elevate your celebration with a tasty and vibrant twist! Halo-halo, meaning "mix-mix" in Filipino, traditionally combines a variety of sweet ingredients like fruits, beans, and jellies, layered with shaved ice and drizzled with creamy milk. For this special occasion, let's give Halo-halo a red, white, and blue makeover, creating a patriotic masterpiece that's as visually stunning as it is delicious.


1. Prepare the Ingredients: z Cook and sweeten the red beans if using dried ones.

Ingredients: z

Crushed ice Coconut milk

z Drain the coconut gel or nata de coco. z Cube the watermelon or strawberries.


z Red beans (canned or cooked and sweetened) z Tropics Coconut Gel or Nata de Coco* This is a chewy, sweet fruit preserved in syrup, often used in Filipino desserts. Alternatively, you can use Knox unflavored gelatin to create a similar chewy texture (see package for instructions). z Macapuno (coconut sport)* This is a form of coconut with a soft, jelly- like texture. If unavailable, you can make Macapuno Flakes by combining sweetened flaked coconut with water. Another alternative is coconut strips or coconut flakes. z Cubed watermelon or strawberries (for the red) z Blueberries or blue-colored gelatin (for the blue) z Ube (purple yam or ice cream)* Ube has a distinctive purple color and flavor, used in both ice cream and jam form. An easy substitute would be taro root ice cream, which can often be found in Asian grocery stores or specialty food stores. z Leche flan (Crème caramel) (optional) z Sweetened condensed milk z Optional: crushed graham crackers or cornflakes for extra texture *These ingredients are available online or may be found in the Asian/international section of larger supermarkets.

z Prepare blue gelatin according to package instructions, let it set, and then cut it into cubes. 2. Assemble the Layers: z Start by adding a layer of crushed ice to the bottom of clear glasses or mason jars, leaving some space at the top. z Begin layering the ingredients: ○ Add a spoonful of red beans at the bottom. ○ Follow with a layer of nata de coco/ gelatin made from Knox. ○ Add a layer of cubed watermelon or strawberries for the red layer. ○ Place the cubed blue gelatin for the blue layer. ○ Add a scoop of ube ice cream or a dollop of ube halaya for the purple layer. ○ Optionally, add a piece of leche flan on top of the ube layer. 3. Drizzle sweetened condensed milk generously over the top of the ice cream. 4. Garnish: Sprinkle crushed graham crackers or cornflakes on top for added texture and flavor. 5. Serve: Insert a colorful straw into each glass and serve immediately. 6. Optional Presentation: For a festive touch, decorate the glasses with small American flags or red, white, and blue ribbons. 7. Enjoy! Encourage your guests to mix all the layers before indulging in this delightful Independence Day Halo-halo.



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bob@bobarthurgroup.com www.bobarthurgroup.com

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