RMM - July-24 - Bob Arthur

A tired pet is a happy pet. Make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise leading up to the celebrations. He or she will be less reactive and more likely to rest. Give them an extra walk, go for an off-leash run if your pet has good recall, or spend extra time playing to get that nervous energy out. Just remember, if your pet is already agitated, it may not act the way it normally does. Don’t take any chances of your dog running off if it gets spooked. It’s better to keep them on a leash during the few days around the holiday, even for short visits outdoors. During the celebrations, give them something to keep them busy and distracted. Try a new toy, a ball stuffed with treats, or a challenge maze. GIVE THEM A RUN


Your pet will likely be more comfortable if someone is at home with them. They will need reassurance that everything is okay and might want a cuddle partner to console their anxiety. If you can’t be home, see if you can get a pet sitter to stay with your pets while you’re away. At the very least, you’ll know someone is there so your pet doesn’t escape from the house. Dr. Barrington says, “If you have a new pet, it would be ideal to plan for them not to be left alone if noises are present near the home.” Having a human companion helps ease the anxiety for both you and your pets.


Well, actually they are called thunder jackets or thundershirts. Search the term on the web and you’ll see a wide variety of options. Basically, they are a vest that wraps snugly around your dog, making them feel safe. Measure your dog for the correct sizing and choose a design that is adjustable so you can pull it tight. Put it on your pet if they appear anxious at any point during the festivities.


Sometimes leaving a TV or radio on is enough to distract your pet from what’s going on outdoors. Rather than hearing crackles and hisses, let laugh tracks or race cars override the sounds of fireworks. A fan, white noise machine, or air conditioning unit might do the trick too.



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