HOW TO HIRE – OR BE HIRED What an Executive Looks for in an Applicant – What an Applicant Looks for in an Employer.
by A. W. Morrison, Warren K. Rishel, and Elmer Wheeler A Dramatic Skit For The New York Sales Executives’ Club Presented Monday, April 19, 1937 ACT I What Employers Should Beware of – or How Not to Get a Job Scene: Office of Service Corporation of America. Any company that sells an intangible to the public. Mr. Morrison: Master of Ceremonies, and the “Invisible Thoughts of the Executive.” Mr. Rishel: The typical American Executive. Mr. Wheeler: Mr. Perennial Jobhunter, the battle-scarred job-hunter, who knows all the answers, in Act I; and Mr. Do-It-Right, in Act II.
Mr. Rishel is seated at his desk. The telephone rings. Mr. Rishel answers. MR. RISHEL: “Hello. Someone about a job? Why I have no jobs open. Oh, the District Assemblyman sent him over. Well, let him in then.”
MR. JOBHUNTER: “My name is Jobhunter, Perennial Jobhunter. I used to be connected with the Whoosit Cracker Company, the What’s -In-It Beer Company, and the Friday Fish Distributors.”
MR. RISHEL: “Well --- ” MR.JOBHUNTER: “Well, I needa job real bad, Mr. Rishel. Haven’t been working now for the past year or so and I’ve got a lot of debts piling up. The other day I was
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