Personal Development Hacks - Referral Marketing.pdf

What are Your Personal Values? How Can You Establish Them?

Have you ever had a client that drove you absolutely bananas, and you could hardly stand to work with that person? Chances are, their belief system and their life values directly clashed with yours.

When I was a new salesperson, I would take anybody and everybody who would work with me. Then, as I got busier and busier, I was able to be more selective with the people I actually wanted to work with. I’m betting you probably had a similar path — or you will in the future as you get busier.

That said, I want to talk about how to establish your personal values — or your code of conduct, so to speak — and how to communicate those values to your most ideal customer.

Establishing your values will help you to attract like-minded people who will be enjoyable to work with. Whether you work independently or as part of a larger business, establishing core values is important. Questions to Help You Establish Values When I wanted to establish my own values, I sat down and answered a few important questions for myself as truthfully as possible. These questions included: ● What do I stand for and what do I stand against? ● What do I agree with and what do I disagree with? ● What am I passionate about? ● Who speaks in a similar way to me and resonates with me? What are their values and their belief systems? ● What upsets and frustrates me?

Keep in mind as you answer these questions that I'm not necessarily talking about religion and politics. Honestly, you can share values and belief systems with somebody and still have completely different views when it comes to religion or politics.


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