Personal Development Hacks - Referral Marketing.pdf

Believe it or not, the same sentiment can often work with people who aren’t as close to you. While you might not ask for a hug or put all your emotional “cards” out on the table, you can still be straightforward in asking for help.

Try something like:

“I'm working really hard to achieve this goal, and I really want you to support me with this.”


“I admire what you’ve done, and I would love you to help me and mentor me so I can reach this goal.”

My point is, don’t be afraid to communicate with your support system about what you need. And of course, keep in mind that if you don’t find what you want in a certain person, there are always other people out there. Certain types of people might be more supportive for certain situations. It is up to you to figure out who has your back in what case.


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