Personal Development Hacks - Referral Marketing.pdf

Introduction Hey guys! It’s Calvin Curry here. Let me ask you a question. How are things in your life, aside from your business? How is your fitness routine, your sense of personal fulfillment, or the quality of your relationships?

As human beings, we should constantly be growing, changing and moving toward our goals. If you’ve just been working feverishly like a hamster on a wheel without setting any true goals lately or taking stock of your current situation, I’m betting you probably feel less than inspired. People need aspirations to work toward. Even if what you’re working toward achieving does not seem connected to your business, the truth is that every kind of growth matters and affects all aspects of our lives. In this guide, Joe Nickelson and I have shared a number of “hacks” for your own personal growth and development. You’ll learn things like how to meet people who will always have your back (including how to filter out those who don’t), how to overcome certain naysayers in your life — even the one who lives inside your own head — how to figure out an optimal schedule for your workweek, and much more. The best part is, you do not need to read this guide from start to finish. These “hacks” can be read separately or all together — whatever works best for you and inspires you to get started on your own personal development journey. Calvin


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