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How to Learn Something New as an Adult

Think about when young children start learning to read, write or solve math problems. If a teacher gave them a single worksheet and expected them to grasp the concepts with just a one-time activity, no one would ever learn anything. Learning something new or forming a new positive habit takes focus, patience and repetition. You certainly can’t expect to reach a goal or enrich yourself without making the effort to do so. That said, here are a few tips for reaching a goal or learning something new. Acknowledge that you might fail or have setbacks. No matter your age, education and background, learning something new or implementing a new, healthy habit is tough. Acknowledge that you are going to have setbacks and failures before it becomes second nature. Be gentle with yourself as you are learning. Set a general time for anything new in your schedule. It’s easier to pick up on something if you do it at the same time every day. If, for example you are trying to learn a new exercise routine, it’s best to schedule it for the same days and times. Trying to do it “willy-nilly” will not teach your brain to expect it and send you a “notification” that it’s time to do it. Give yourself pep talks. Praise is helpful when human beings are learning something new, no matter how old they are. Just as children beam at earning a gold star from their teacher, giving yourself positive reinforcement will motivate you to move forward with any challenge. Celebrate successes. Did you reach a new milestone? Maybe a solid two weeks of sticking to a positive routine? Reward yourself with something positive like a massage or a nice meal.

A word of advice, don’t reward yourself with the very thing you’re trying to change. For example, if you’re trying to eat healthier foods, don’t reward yourself with an ice cream sundae!


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