4. Store Your Pantry Goods in Airtight Sealed Containers

5. The Correct Way and Place to Store Food Insects tend to nest inside walls or any other dark recesses where they feel securely hidden away. Make sure to keep food off the ground as this gives them easy access to these items since they are on their level. As mentioned above, insects like to hide behind walls, so it is a good idea to avoid storing foodstuffs next to walls. If you have a surplus stockpile of groceries, purchase a large plastic container with a tight-fitting lid and store excess boxes and bags of food inside it. Doing so will keep the pests away and as an added benefit, it helps keep your food fresh longer. The main objective of household pests is to secure food, and most can sniff it out from a long distance. Pests naturally gravitate to areas where there is easy access to something they can eat. Keeping your food stored in airtight sealed containers thwarts their efforts to get inside and eat your provisions. Don’t forget your fur babies! Household pests are also attracted to pet food, so be sure to keep it stored in a plastic or glass container that has a tight- fitting lid. Bags of open pet food are seen as an open invitation to ants, cockroaches, mice, and a host of other household pests.


March 2025

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