Firstly, know what a Neighborhood Watch group does and doesn’t do. The National Sheriff’s Association explains, “A Neighborhood Watch program is a group of people living in the same area who want to make their neighborhood safer by working together and in conjunction with local law enforcement to reduce crime and improve their quality of life.” The grassroots organization brings together interested parties with common interests. Your neighborhood will benefit from extra eyes watching for suspicious behavior and dangerous situations. This means calling 911 if there is an emergency that needs immediate attention. For instance, if you witness someone breaking into a house, a physical attack, or a fire. When the situation is less urgent, call the non-emergency line instead. Examples of this include when vandalism or a car break-in has already occurred. However, participating in a Neighborhood Watch program does not mean patrolling or confrontations. Your job is simply to “watch” and contact local authorities when needed. By building a partnership with the local police, you can receive the protection you need and they can do their job more effectively. Understanding the Role of Neighborhood Watch in Your Community
For more information on starting a Neighborhood Watch program in your area: • In the United States, visit the National Neighborhood Watch website at • In Canada, visit the Block Watch website at
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