Home Sweet Home Magazine - July 2021

4. Carpet Cleanser:

essential oil. Shake well before use. Remember, oil and water do not mix, so it is important to always shake spray well before use. Apply to countertops, wood, porcelain and stainless steel. Use a microfiber cloth or paper towel to wipe clean.

Here are 12 easy ways you can use essential oils for a powerful clean in your home and to protect yourself and your family from viruses.

Choose your favorite essential oil scent and combine 10 drops of essential oil with 2 cups of baking soda. Mix well and sprinkle over carpet. Let this cleanser sit for 1-2 hours to allow the baking soda and aroma to absorb odors trapped in your carpet. Vacuum. 5. Wood Polish: In a glass spray bottle, combine ¼ cup olive oil and ¼ cup white vinegar. Add 10 drops of your favorite citrus essential oil. Shake well and apply directly to a microfiber cloth. Wipe wood surfaces clean. 6. Glass Cleaner: Combine 1 ½ cups white vinegar and ½ cup distilled water in a 16-ounce glass spray bottle. Add 8 drops of your favorite citrus essential

1. Surface Cleaner: Choose an essential oil with

3. Garbage Disposal Deodorizer:

antibacterial properties and a fresh scent such as lemon or lemongrass. Add 5 drops of your essential oil to 2-3 cups of white vinegar (which contains purifying properties) and shake well. To make a stronger solution, mix 15-20+ drops of essential oil to 3-5 cups of white vinegar. This cleanser is very effective in the kitchen as it cuts through greasy build up. 2. All-Purpose Cleansing Spray: Combine 1 cup warmwater and 1 cup white vinegar in a 16-ounce glass spray bottle. Add 20–25 drops

Combine 2 cups baking soda and 1 cup salt. Add ⅓ cup unscented liquid castile soap and 25 drops citrus or spearmint oil. Add ½ cup water one tablespoon at a time as you stir the mixture, until you have a consistency like damp sand. Use a tablespoonmeasure to place spoonfuls of the mixture onto a sheet of parchment paper. Let dry for one full day until hard. Store in a covered glass container. Place 1-3 spoonfuls in the garbage disposal and run it.


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