stove-popped popcorn! Get creative and use sheets for a tent, set up an air mattress, throw in plenty of blankets and pillows, and create a “fire” with construction paper and flameless candles — you can find all kinds of ideas for indoor camping online. Equip the kids with flashlights, turn off all the lights, TVs and smart devices, and tell spooky camping stories under the glow of flashlights. For an extra outdoorsy touch, stick glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling to create a magical night under the stars.
flashlight, extra blankets, and any stuffed animals on the must-have list. To help young children be less afraid of the dark, get the flashlights glowing and put on a funny shadow puppet show! In case a nightlight is needed, consider adding a battery- powered or LED hanging lantern so everyone feels extra cozy and comfortable. If you’re on a budget, or if summer rain hits, you can still have camping night indoors! Roast hotdogs and marshmallows over the stove (just make sure the kids are supervised), make s’mores, and evenmake
favorite book, journal or drawing notepad for camping downtime.
Setting up Camp One of the best parts of camping is setting up! Let the kids join you, and teach them some skills along the way. If you don’t already have one, consider investing in a small tent that’s easy to set up. You’ll use it time and again, especially if you get the family hooked on camping! Let thempick a camping spot, have themhelp set up the tent and even let them “forage” for firewood. Make sure everyone has a sleeping bag, pillow, and a battery-powered
■ ■ Pillows ■ ■ Blankets ■ ■ Battery-powered flashlight
■ ■ Large insulated beverage dispenser ■ ■ Hot dogs and buns or tin foil dinners ■ ■ Condiments ■ ■ S’mores ingredients: chocolate bars, marshmallows, graham crackers ■ ■ Water ■ ■ Juice boxes or drinks of choice ■ ■ Snacks: trail mix, crackers, chips, fruit ■ ■ Plates, cups, utensils, napkins
Backyard Camping Checklist
Games and Activities ■ ■ Scavenger hunt list ■ ■ Glow sticks
■ ■ Board games ■ ■ Deck of cards ■ ■ Pens, pencils and crayons ■ ■ Notebooks
■ ■ Firewood ■ ■ Kindling ■ ■ Newspaper ■ ■ Matches ■ ■ Fire starter, if desired ■ ■ Water Food and Drink ■ ■ Roasting sticks ■ ■ Large picnic cooler
First Aid
■ ■ Band-Aids ■ ■ Bug spray ■ ■ Sunscreen ■ ■ Scissors ■ ■ Wet wipes and/or antibacterial wipes
Bedding ■ ■ Tent (or sheet, if using) ■ ■ Air mattress, if desired ■ ■ Sleeping bags
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