Max Hahne - Home Sweet Home August


Egg cartons are neatly separated and are easy to fill with soil and seeds. Just put the carton on plastic or a tray to protect the surface below from water damage. Yogurt containers, baby food jars, and clear salsa containers are up to the task, too. Press some soil into the bottom and place the proper amount of seeds in each one. Cover as directed and water. Use the same procedure for small plants and bulbs. Plastic to-go containers make a ready-made mini greenhouse. Use the bottom of rotisserie- chicken containers or salad containers and simply put the lid back on after planting. If using egg cartons, cover using plastic wrap. Plastic bags can also do the job. Tent them over the containers, using a wooden skewer for support on the inside if needed. Then tuck the opening of the bags underneath the container’s base. Find a sunny east or south-facing window for your plants. They’ll need a lot of direct sunlight and the heat it brings. If your window ledge isn’t big enough for the task, place a card table or other surface in the area. If you don’t have adequate natural light, you may need to place your plants beneath artificial light. Grow lamps allow you to place your plants anywhere, even a closet or the basement. Just be sure to use a reliable timer for consistent light and dark periods. Once you have the process mastered, you can build some of the same greenhouses described above, such as the closet or glass box.

Moving your greenhouse indoors gives you a jump on the season by allowing you to plant earlier. In fact, under the right conditions you can grow herbs and lettuce throughout the winter or force bulbs to come to life before their natural cycle. Most often, though, the indoor greenhouse is used as a way to get your seed starts well underway before the outdoor greenhouse is ready for business. In an indoor environment, plastic sheeting or other lid acts as the greenhouse roof, holding in moisture and heat. Remember you can move to larger pots or replant into the ground when the outdoor weather cooperates. It’s okay to start quite small.


August 2023

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