Tested Sentences That Sell - Referral Marketing.pdf

The Right Way to Sell a Man Hose for His Wife

CLER K: “Good morning.” CUSTOMER: “Good morning.” (Looks at hose on counter.) CLERK: “They are lovely hose, aren’t they?”

CUSTOMER: “Yes, my wife asked me to buy her a pair.” CLERK: “What size stocking does your wife wear, sir?” CUSTOMER: “Oh! She forgot to tell me.” CLERK: “Then I’ll give you 9 ½ ; that’s the average size. Here is a very fine pair.” CUSTOMER: “How much are they?” CLERK: “They are $1.50.” CUSTOMER: “Hm, do you have anything cheaper?” CLERK: “Yes, sir, these are $1.00.” CUST OMER: “What is the difference between the $1.00 and $1.50 hose?” CLERK: “The $1.50 hose will give your wife MORE MILES of service!” CUSTOMER: “ More miles of service! Well, that’s what she needs; she’s always walking them out. I’ll take a pair.” CLERK : “Does one of your wife’s stockings wear out before the other?” CUSTOMER: “Indeed it does. She’s always tearing one and throwing the other away.” CLERK: “Wouldn’t it be GOOD BUSINESS to buy two pair of the same color, so she can alternate if one stock ing tears or runs?” CUSTOMER: “Say, that is good business! I’ll take two pair.” CLERK: “You can now have the third pair for only $1.15. You save twenty five cents, the price of two good cigars.”

P. 126

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