Personal Development Hacks - Referral Marketing.pdf

phone, replying to clients, reading reports or anything else. Instead, savor the down time, and come back to work feeling motivated.

If being unresponsive stresses you out, you can set up automated email and text responses when you’re not actively working. Simply state that you’ve received your client’s message and will get back to him or her as soon as possible when you resume work. Setting up automated emails is typically as simple as going into your email server’s settings, typing in a message and choosing the timeframe for the message to send automatically.

As for text message automation, try one of these applications:

● Android: “Do It Later Text Message Automation” - This app lets you schedule messages and reports when the message has been successfully delivered.

● iPhone: “AutoSender” - This app not only lets you schedule and automatically send messages, it keeps a history of the sent texts. Communicate Effectively Consider a scenario where a client or colleague asks you to be available at a certain time, but you already have a prior obligation. Yet, instead of communicating what works for you, you simply accept the imposed change to your schedule and scramble to get everything done. This not only affects the quality of the work you were planning to do but also negatively impacts your interactions with the person or people you agreed to meet with. Situations like these can easily be avoided if we tell people what works for us and what does not. All of us — myself included — get shy about saying “no,” but polite communication actually saves time. It promotes compromise, instills confidence, gains us respect from others and eases our stress because we aren’t trying to juggle too many things. Instead of just saying “yes” to someone’s request, try responding with a few other times that work better for your schedule. Use Logic Approaching work challenges with logic is absolutely necessary. The alternative — feeling angry, sad or discouraged at every little thing — is not only exhausting, but wastes our time. Of course, humans are going to feel things, but it’s important not to allow our feelings to control our careers.


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