Home Sweet Home Magazine - August 2021

What if School is Still Virtual? If the last year has taught us

▶ ▶ School Work Check- in - We’ve all been there. You’re ready for a quiet, easy night at home, when out of the blue, your child recalls a major project due...tomorrow! Rather than scrambling at the last minute, do a weekly check in with your kids about big upcoming projects. Ask them to go through their folders and planners to find anything they may have forgotten, including forms or permission slips that need to be signed. Make a habit of shopping for major projects and school supplies early so your kids have no excuse to wait until the last minute. Things to Do the Night Before Even if you prepare most things over the weekend, there are still some tasks you’ll have to do the night before school to make your mornings less chaotic. ▶ ▶ Pack Lunch - You probably guessed this would be here. Packing lunch the night before saves a lot of stress the next morning, and, if you prepared foods over the weekend, it will be even easier. ▶ ▶ Bathe or Shower - Have your kids bathe or shower

the night before school, and check one more item off your morning to-do list. As a bonus, studies show that bathing and showering at night can cool down the body and promote a relaxing night of sleep. ▶ ▶ Pick Out an Outfit - If you didn’t pick out a full week of clothes over the weekend, select outfits the night before. Check the weather for the day ahead, and lay out all the necessary accessories, including rain or snow gear if needed. ▶ ▶ Discuss Your Schedule for the Next Day, if Needed - Is the next day going to be different than other mornings? Is a different parent dropping off the kids, or does someone need to leave early for a meeting? Discuss your game plan ahead of time to avoid snags. ▶ ▶ Set Up Alarms, Breakfast and Coffee - Don’t let one malfunctioning alarmmean no one in your family wakes up until lunch. Set multiple alarms — and program your own alarm to go off earlier than the kids’ alarm— and set the coffee machine as well, so you’re awake and caffeinated by the time the kids roll out of bed. As for breakfast, have a two-fold plan, depending on how the morning goes. If you have time

anything, it’s that things can change rapidly, and there is always a chance school will be virtual again (or you might choose this option for your family). Is there a way to have a seamless routine even if no one is leaving the house? Absolutely. In fact, most of the tips in this article will work whether school is in person or online. If you and your children are still staying home by the time September rolls around, here are ways to stay on track:


Remind Everyone Timelines Still Matter - All of the tips about planning ahead for big assignments still matter. Even if school takes place at the kitchen counter, rushing will not produce great work. Respect Priorities if Space is Shared - When kids and adults are forced to share a workspace, it might become necessary to discuss who is able to use the space and when.


Continued on the next page


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