RM Member Welcome Guide

Text Messages: Depending on the person you’re messaging, you might want to use a shorter or longer text variation. Most people are more likely to respond to a shorter, more direct text. Use your discretion to determine which of your leads would respond best to each one. You can also cycle through each of these templates over a period of time.

Variation 1

Agent: Hey NAME, I just wanted to text you to see if you received the magazine I sent you? It’s full of helpful home articles I thought you would enjoy reading.

Lead: Yes I did! Thank you for sending it.

Agent: No problem. I hope you are doing well. I also wanted to check in to see if anyone you know is looking to buy or sell a home soon? I would love it if you could keep me in mind the next time someone you know is looking for an agent. Your referral would mean the world to me.

Variation 2

Agent: Hey NAME, did you get the magazine I sent you? You should have received it last week.

Lead: Yeah, I got it. Thanks!

Agent: Glad to hear it! Let me know if I can do anything for you or if you know anyone who is looking to buy or sell a home soon.

Variation 3

Agent: Hey NAME, did you get the magazine I sent?

Lead: Yeah, I got it.

Agent: Awesome! Let me know if you need anything fromme. I’d love to get a referral if you know anyone looking for an agent.


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